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Martial Arts Forum

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Ninjitsu & N.P.B Martial Arts

Discuss the martial art of the Ninja, an ancient and forgotten martial art; also known as "Ninjitsu" or "Ninpo". It is a nerve point and tactical martial art similar to the S.C.A.R.S and F56 arts utilized by the US Army. It also involves weaponary training and advanced meditative and kinetic techniques, some once thought to be of a powerful and even unnatural origin. Ninjitsu masters are rarely ever found in today's world , and though the Shaolin Temple remains a powerful emblem and training center, it is a task to get there and pay for exclusive training, assuming you will be accepted.

Moderators: forexworld12, kpavel
14Ninjitsu; Ninpo;...
Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:03 pm
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Tai Chi

Forum discussing "Tai Chi" a movement, meditation and body weight manipulation art - not very offensive in nature, but certainly defensive or can be used as a bridge to other martial arts or utilized in coordination with say, Judo, Sambo etc

Moderators: forexworld12, kpavel
Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:31 pm
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